Rabbits are predisposed to dental abscess whatever their age. These abscesses are not always visible, and any ocular (lacrimation), nasal (jetting), or buccal (salivation) discharge must make them think.
In addition to the curettage of the abscess, removal of one or more teeth is mandatory. This is done under general anesthesia, and poses no feeding worries thereafter for the rabbit.
In the same way, when the incisors of a rabbit or guinea pig are too long, they become troublesome for the animal which has difficulty feeding. The treatment in this case does not involve cutting the teeth of the rabbit with a forceps (it is traumatic for the animal and often causes dental root fractures). And then the teeth grow back in 1 or 2 months and we have to renew the operation!
Instead, the diseased incisors should be removed surgically. A rabbit or a guinea pig lives and feeds very well without its incisors. This is also done under general anesthesia at the clinic.