Medical Information Cards

Medical Information Cards N°02. How to avoid the inconveniences associated with moulting in our animals?

Twice a year, our pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets) will experience a moulting period. Although quite natural, this fall of hair can have harmful consequences for our companions, especially those such as rabbits or cats who pay particular attention to their toilet and can absorb a great amount of hair on this occasion .

Medical Information Cards N°05. Veterinary Dentistry: 3 Frequently Asked Questions

MY DOG SENS OF THE "MUG, IS NORMAL?" The bad breath of your companion is not inevitable: This is not normal. This odor is in the vast majority of cases the reflection of an oral INFECTION. Indeed, every day, the biofilm contained in the mouth of your companion is deposited on its teeth. This biofilm consists of SALIVA and bacteria. By adhering to the teeth, it forms the DENTAL PLATE or BACTERIAL PLATE (invisible).

Medical Information Cards N°06.Envenomation by the pine processionary caterpillars

The pine processionary caterpillar (thaumetopoea pityocampa) is an insect responsible for envenomations in our domestic carnivores. It is found in regions with a climate favorable to their development (they are found mainly on the Mediterranean coast, in Corsica and on the Atlantic coast) and rich in thorns (the larvae feed on needles of various kinds of pines).

Medical Information Cards N°07. Should he treat an animal for cancer?

Since 2010, cancer has officially become the leading cause of death in the world in humans (according to WHO), supplanting cardiovascular disease. A similar development is observed in dogs. A recent study showed that cancer was the leading cause of mortality in dogs in the United States (Fleming et al., J Vet Intern Med 2011). In some breeds (Bernese Mountain Dogs, golden retrievers, boxers), one dog in two will die from cancer. This increase in cancer diseases is linked to several factors:

Medical Information Cards N°08. Intoxication by mistletoe and holly

Mistletoe and holly are two plants that are toxic when ingested by a pet. Young animals, especially gamblers, are tempted to chew any plant left within reach. INTOXICATION BY THE GUI The mistletoe balls contain a substance called viscotoxin which, several hours after its absorption by an animal, causes various types of disorders: - The irritation caused by the toxin on the digestive mucous membranes (mouth, stomach ...) goes Accompanied by a very large salivation and vomiting.

Medical Information Cards N°09. The blood test

Blood is the most known biological fluid in the body. A dog has 90mL of blood per kg, or 1.8L for a dog of 20kg. A cat has 75mL of blood per kg, or 300mL for a cat of 4kg.

Blood contains mainly red blood cells (role in the supply of oxygen to tissues), white blood cells (role in the body's defenses), platelets (role in coagulation), and various metabolites reflecting Function of certain organs: kidneys, liver ...

Medical Information Cards N°12. The pubertal consultation

The pubertal consultation is an important appointment in the life of your companion. It allows growth stage control, assessment of dental status, verification and adaptation of vaccination status, an aid in the behavioral development of the puppy or kitten. Do not take advice for your pet between 3 and 15 months, it is a bit like, in all proportions, to raise a child without doctor, without dentist, without school between 6 and 25 years.

Medical Information Cards N°15. The veterinarian prescribed antibiotic treatment to my pet

Antibiotic treatment effectively combats bacterial infection or avoids bacterial superinfection. Just as in humans, an unreasonable use of antibiotics can cause the appearance of resistance phenomena and, consequently, inefficiency of these molecules during further processing. Some rules must be respected to avoid these disadvantages:

Medical Information Cards N°16. The digestive foreign bodies

The ingestion of foreign bodies by pets is relatively frequent. It most often concerns young animals (often more players than adults) and is common in dogs and ferrets (a little less in cats). These swallowed bodies sometimes have no effect on the animal's health (especially if they are vomited shortly after ingestion or if they are able to pass naturally all along the digestive tract), but they can also , When they are responsible for occlusion or perforation, have very serious consequences and even lead to the death of the animal.