Cats Health Card

Cats Health Card N°01 : My cat's adoption and arrival at home

Some basics The cat has become the most popular pet in Europe. If he has already been described as being an asocial being, nowadays, the opinions have changed in his regard. Although it is very different from the dog, the cat also needs interaction and, above all, affection! When you adopt a kitten or a cat, you must decide whether it will live only inside or whether it will be able to go outside. Both situations have advantages and disadvantages. Cats that go outside are more prone to disease and their life expectancy can be much shorter than that of apartment cats because they can get hit by a car, be attacked by other animals and catch parasites Internal and external, such as fleas, worms and otodectes (parasites of the ears). On the other hand, if your cat is never going outdoors, you must see to stimulate him mentally and physically, play with him and make him take exercise. He / she must also have a scratching post and a clean bedding. But no matter your decision, just follow a few simple rules to guide your cat's behavior.

Cats Health Cards N°02. My cat - His education

The cat is not a small dog, and this is all the more true for his education. If the dog is a "hierarchical" animal with a dominant and a dominated, the cat is a territorial animal. This concept of territory is fundamental to establish a harmonious relationship between you and your cat .. Your home, apartment or garden, is the territory your cat catches. It will delimit a rest area (basket, cushion, blanket or quilt for sleeping), a feeding area (access to food bowl and water), an elimination area (litter box, garden For its needs) and a playground (games and hunting). By organizing your space at best, you will allow your cat to flourish in its territory, regardless of the size of your home.

Cats Health Cards N°04. My cat - His Tests, His vaccinations and the visit of health

Your cat counts on you to be protected One of the best ways to allow your cat to live healthy for many years is to have it vaccinated against the most common feline diseases. During the first few weeks of its existence, your cat received antibodies from its mother's milk, which immunized it against certain diseases. After this period, it is up to you to protect your companion, with the help and advice of your veterinarian.

Cats Health Cards N°06. My Cat - Care of the Ears

A healthy ear is clean and pale pink; It emits no odor and contains very little cerumen. Examine your pet's ears regularly. Signs of an ear disease Unpleasant odor The animal often scratches the ear and passes its paw on its ear and head. Sensitivity to touch often accompanied by pain The animal leans or shakes his head constantly on one side. Black or yellowish flow Redness or swelling of ear flap or ear canal Behavioral change: apathy, depression or irritability Dark brown cerumen accumulation Loss of balance or auditory acuity accompanied by disorientation Presence of blood or debris resembling ground coffee

Cats Health Cards N°07. My Cat - Tooth Care

Your pets rely on your good care Progress in treatment has led to a marked decline in infectious diseases and other serious diseases affecting domestic animals. Oral diseases - especially parental illnesses and gum disease caused by the accumulation of plaque and tartar - have become the biggest health problem in cats and dogs. In the absence of proper dental care, it is estimated that by the age of 3 years, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats will show signs of oral disease. With your help, your pets can have healthy teeth and gums all their lives, and there are few things that can be done to achieve this:

Cats Health Cards N°08. My cat - How to administer it tablets and syrups?

Just like you, your cat will sometimes be sick and it is likely that you will need to administer medication prescribed by your veterinarian. The use of a good method will make life easier for everyone. You should always strictly follow the instructions your veterinarian has given you. You must administer the full amount of prescribed medication for the duration of the veterinarian.

Cats Health Cards N°09. My old cat

Old age is not a disease Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, the evolution of care and healthier eating, cats live much longer and healthier than before. But, like humans, they feel the effects of time. Perhaps you have begun to notice that your cat once so full of life seems to be working a bit in slow motion. By being aware of the natural changes that occur in your aging cat and knowing how to help him live healthy and active, and avoid unnecessary discomforts, you can together take full advantage of his past years.

Cats Health Cards N°12. How to manage overweight in the cat?

How to manage overweight in the cat? Cats have less energy requirements than dogs, which predisposes them to obesity (a cat needs half the size of a dog of the same size). It is necessary quickly to fight against any excess weight, not because of the physical appearance that the latter gives to the cat, but more to keep the animal in excellent state of health. Indeed, obesity favors the emergence of pathologies (it can for example generate diabetes) and it aggravates all the pre-existing pathologies. Significantly overweight reduces the quality of life of the cat and its life expectancy.

Cats Health Cards N°13. The reception of a kitten

- What is the ideal adoption age of a cat? Most of the learning and acquisitions are carried out, in the cat, before the age of 2 months. During her first 2 months of life, the kitten is very attached to her mother. The latter provides him with food, allows him to acquire a variety of learning which is clean and represents a "reassuring" being who will help the kitten not only to explore his environment without fear but also to socialize with various species human specie) Thus, even if the weaning begins at 1 month in the kitten, it is not advisable to adopt it at this age. Indeed, the various learning that he does with his mother is not finished and it is only about 2 months that he becomes autonomous and perfectly balanced. Adopting a much younger kitten may disappoint the new owner who could end up with a particularly cowy, aggressive, violent during games or hyperactive.

Cats Health Cards N°19. Dyspnea associated with urinary pathology in cats

A cat that urinates outside its litter does not necessarily do it to "annoy" its masters "or" take revenge "of anything. Indeed, certain special circumstances, such as the pain the cat may feel every time it tries to urinate, may induce it elsewhere than in the litter, a place that the animal will quickly associate with its suffering . Several types of urinary disorders can trigger severe pain in urination, including cystitis, stones, or tumors of the urinary tract.

Cats Health Cards N°20. Urinary cleanliness related to the environment of the cat

The cat is a so-called territorial species. He places an enormous importance on his environment, which he divides into various zones: a playground, an isolation area (where the animal must be able to remain calm, avoid contact), an area dedicated to its Meal or an elimination area where he will be able to meet his needs. Any modification, any element that the cat will consider as disruptive in "its space" will enormously to thwart it and to be able to trigger the appearance of filth.

Cats Health Cards N°21. Urinary Impairment Related to Developmental Disorder

Urinary dirt in the cat is sometimes the result of an event that occurred during its first months of life, an event that did not allow it to follow a normal development. This type of uncleanliness most often concerns kittens adopted very young (kittens whose mothers have died and are bottle-fed, weaned kittens and separated from their mothers too quickly and who have not been able to complete their education with her ...