A healthy ear is clean and pale pink; It emits no odor and contains very little cerumen. Examine your pet's ears regularly. Signs of an ear disease
Causes of ear infections Otitis externa is an infection of the external auditory canal; Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear. These two types of infection are usually caused by bacteria or yeasts. Other causes include the accumulation of earwax, the presence of clumps of hair, debris or foreign body in the ear canal. You should consult a veterinarian promptly because your dog may suffer if he is actually suffering from an infection of the ear. Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections, while antifungals are administered in cases of yeast infections. Ear infections can also signal the presence of other health problems, such as an allergy, hormonal disorders or hereditary disease. Your veterinarian will be able to determine what causes your dog's otitis and will suggest you the best course to take. Otodectes are common parasites that are highly contagious and are often transmitted from one animal to another. Excessive itching is the most common sign. The otodectes produce black and granular debris which looks like ground coffee. The hematoma of the ear flap indicates that blood has accumulated in the lining of your dog's ear. When a dog shakes his head vigorously, scratches or gets a blow on the ear or around, this causes damage to the blood vessels. An infection or the presence of otodectes, fleas or debris in the ear is often the cause of such behavior. Deafness is usually the result of older animals. It may, however, occur as a result of trauma, exposure to intense noises or infection, just as it may be hereditary or congenital. Unfortunately, once diagnosed with clinical deafness in your dog, it is too late to act. Prevention How to administer ear drops or ointment to your dog Read the instructions on your veterinarian's prescription carefully for dosage.