The eyes of a healthy dog are clear and shiny. They must not contain debris, secretions and redness (inflammation). The area around the eyeball should be white. Common Signs of Eye Disease Inflammation or redness of the eye or the inside of the eyelids During a consultation, your veterinarian may be required to carry out diagnostic tests to detect eye diseases Fluorescein test: it is used to detect the presence of corneal ulcers. Common eye diseases and signs that characterize them Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the membrane (it turns red) which covers the inner lining of the eyelids and the white of the eyes. It can be caused by infection, allergy, irritation or insufficient production of tears. Dry Keratoconjunctivitis (KCS): a disease that occurs when the tear glands do not produce enough tears to properly lubricate a dog's eyes. It can be caused by a virus, a drug reaction, an allergy or an injury. When it becomes chronic, it can lead to blindness. Some breeds of dogs are predisposed there. Corneal Ulcer: Corneal injury occurs when the cornea is scratched by a foreign body or is damaged by insufficient tear production or bacterial infection. The corneal ulcer is very painful, which can cause the dog to "wrinkle" the eyes. Dogs with globular eyes and older dogs seem more prone to corneal ulcers. Tearing or Epiphora: If your dog's eyes are constantly "flowing" or the hairs around the eyes appear to be wet, it may mean that the tear ducts are clogged. Cataract and glaucoma: The dog, just like the human being, can be affected by these serious diseases of the eye. Cataract blurs the lens, an organ located in the eye. This is the most common cause of blindness in dogs. Since this disease is hereditary in some breeds, it is important to have your dog checked by the veterinarian at an early age because the affected animals should not be used for breeding. Glaucoma is a disease characterized by too much pressure inside the eye that occurs when the fluid that fills the eye is not normally discharged. How to administer eye drops to your dog It may be necessary to muzzle your dog. How To Apply Ointment In Your Dog's Eyes It may be necessary to muzzle your dog. IMPORTANT NOTICE: For the drug to be fully effective, it should be administered for the full duration of the medication. When you give a medication, remain calm, because your pet can feel your nervousness, which will make your task more difficult. You should always congratulate and reward it! |