Some basics
The cat has become the most popular pet in Europe. If he has already been described as being an asocial being, nowadays, the opinions have changed in his regard. Although it is very different from the dog, the cat also needs interaction and, above all, affection! When you adopt a kitten or a cat, you must decide whether it will live only inside or whether it will be able to go outside. Both situations have advantages and disadvantages. Cats that go outside are more prone to disease and their life expectancy can be much shorter than that of apartment cats because they can get hit by a car, be attacked by other animals and catch parasites Internal and external, such as fleas, worms and otodectes (parasites of the ears). On the other hand, if your cat is never going outdoors, you must see to stimulate him mentally and physically, play with him and make him take exercise. He / she must also have a scratching post and a clean bedding. But no matter your decision, just follow a few simple rules to guide your cat's behavior.
The game helps your cat stay healthy and happy
Often offer your cat interesting and stimulating games to satisfy his natural instincts and his great need for activity. Give him bouncing or rolling toys - all kinds of them are on the market - and pretend to "pursue", "hunt" and "capture". Some cats like to chase down bright spots that are done with a mirror or a flashlight. You can also attach a ball of aluminum foil to the end of a long string and attach it to your belt or around your waist. As you move, your cat will have a lot of fun trying to "catch" the ball. Take care to choose a string long enough to prevent your cat from inadvertently catching your leg! We recommend an interactive game of 15 minutes at least once a day with your cat, especially if he is often left alone.
A pole to scratch your cat's taste
Clawing is a natural gesture for a cat; It is an activity to which the kittens are engaged as of the age of 5 weeks. This allows the animal to leave chemicals and visual signs which serve in particular to communicate "messages" to other cats and animals. However, this normal gesture can become problematic when your cat attacks your carpets and furniture. If this happens, you can try to cover or remove the object from its lust or cut off the tip of its claws, or else place small elastic bandages on its paws. It is also recommended and more convenient to provide your cat with a place of his own to make his claws, usually a pole. True to its reputation, your kitten or cat could do the hard work on the pole that he will accept to use.
No matter what type of board or post you choose, do not change or move it while the cat is using it. Indeed, the more the pole has been scratched and decayed, the more your cat will love it and use it, for the greater good of your furniture!
Cats also like their toilets are clean
Cats are demanding creatures. You must provide them with a clean, easy-to-access place to meet their needs. This reduces cleaning problems to a minimum. Most cats prefer a fine litter, soft texture and unscented. Some people like to urinate in a tank and defecate in another. Ideally, one tray per cat should be provided, plus one tray per cat. So if you have two cats, you should have three litters placed at different places or floors. Do not install litter near noisy appliances, such as a furnace or a washing machine, because cats prefer quiet places. You should remove stools (and urine if you use a bunching litter) every day. If you use ordinary bedding, you should wash the tub with soap and water once a week. If you use clumping litter, you can wash the tank once a month. A cat can do his needs outside of his litter for several reasons, usually because of a health problem. If you think your cat is suffering from any medical condition, consult your veterinarian who will make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
These cats that water or mark their territory with urine
Unsterilized cats water or mark their territory with their urine. It's normal. Even castrated cats and sterilized cats can do so. Indeed, as adults, 10% of castrated males and 5% of sterilized females frequently water their territory. Often the cat is watered when it feels the presence of other congeners, both inside and outside the house, or if it is experiencing a stressful situation, such as a change in its environment -locataire ", be it an animal or a baby) or if it spends more time alone than before. These situations can lead to anxiety, and this is a way for him to express it. There are treatments and your veterinarian can recommend one.