Medical Information Cards N°03. Coprophagia

To avoid coprophagy in dogs, glutamic acid at 250 mg per capsule may be of interest, in the proportion of 1 to 2 capsules per meal.

(Source: Dominique Ranson-Cock)

Elements of reflection concerning coprophagy, compiled by the group Zoopsy-Sud Ouest.

Some questions :

• Does he eat his own, those of other dogs, other species? The frequency in adults seems to be: other species, much less other dogs, even less frequent for its own stools.

• How often? Distinguishing opportunists from "coproboulimics"

• Explore diet and digestion, at least in its aspects visible to the owners.

• Does he ingest other surprising things?

• Is it a recent onset behavior or is it habitual? And in this case why worry about it now?

What assumptions?

• If it is his, begin with the digestibility of the food distributed, consider digestive disorders (aspect of the stool?), Assimilation disorders ...

• Behavioral disorders including coprophagia in their clinical presentation:


• Communication Disorder

• Post-clearance punishments

• Involution depression, elderly dog ​​disorders in general

• Competition with owners, including early reinforcement in puppies

• Developmental disorders, including kennel puppies in limited spaces.

What are the possible solutions?

1. explain that it is "normal", while admitting that it is unpleasant (!!!) - observe if the cropping is sufficient

2. no particular danger, think nevertheless to deworm ...

3. techniques to prevent it:

• do not compete with the dog, so do not rush on him

• on the contrary, to make a diversion to attract it elsewhere, to foresee the most motivating disruptive stimuli possible

• put vomit substances, pepper, chilli, tabasco on the present droppings ...

• electrify the shit !? As some manage to do with ducks or chickens to decondition the poultry killers dogs ...


