Dogs Health Card

Dogs Health Cards N°01. My dog - His adoption and his arrival at home

Congratulations! You just adopted a puppy! You have prepared the arrival of your pet with feverishness. You have made your home "proof" of your puppy and had a lot of fun choosing his cage, basket, blanket, toys and other accessories. No doubt this little wriggling creature will bring you much joy. In turn, you can contribute greatly to its longevity, happiness and quality of life by providing it with healthy food, affection, a safe and hygienic environment and having your veterinarian examine it regularly.

Dogs Health Cards N° 02. My dog - His education

Communication: the basis of a good relationship As is the case with people, establishing a good relationship between a dog and its master is based on communication. Dogs communicate with each other using body signals. What is more natural, therefore, that they use the same language with humans. It is up to you, the owner, to interpret these signals and to teach your puppy or dog how to communicate his needs and desires, whether eating, going out, playing or ... Receive a little affection from you!

Dogs Health Cards N°03. My dog - his diet

The nutritional needs of all dogs are divided into energy (carbohydrates, fat), protein, minerals and vitamins. The first need of the dog concerns its energy expenditure. Indeed after water, the energy constituents are those whose deprivation affects the dog's health as quickly as possible. The energy richness of a ration comes mainly from carbohydrates and lipids. Daily energy expenditure includes those due to basic metabolism * (the energy expenditure of the animal when it is completely at rest), which accounts for 60% to 70% of the total energy expenditure, to which is added the loss of energy, Energy related to muscular work, digestion and thermoregulation.

Dogs Health Cards N° 04. My dog - His vaccinations and his health visit

Protection of your best friend One of the best ways to keep your dog healthy for many years is to have it vaccinated against the most common canine diseases. During the first few weeks of its existence, your dog received antibodies from its mother which temporarily immunized it against certain diseases. After that period, it is up to you to protect him, with the help and advice of your veterinarian.

Dogs Health Cards N° 05. My Dog - Eye Care

The eyes of a healthy dog are clear and shiny. They must not contain debris, secretions and redness (inflammation). The area around the eyeball should be white. Signes courants d’une maladie de l’oeil Inflammation ou rougeur de l’oeil ou de l’intérieur des paupières Matière « collée » à la surface ou dans les coins des yeux Surface de l’oeil terne ou trouble Troisième paupière en travers de l’oeil Sécrétions anormales ou larmoiement excessif Poils entourant les yeux mouillés de larmes

Dogs Health Cards N° 06. My Dog - Ear Care

A healthy ear is clean and pale pink; It emits no odor and contains very little cerumen. Examine your pet's ears regularly. Signs of an ear disease Unpleasant odor The animal often scratches the ear and passes its paw on its ear and head. Sensitivity to touch often accompanied by pain The animal leans or shakes his head constantly on one side. Black or yellowish flow Redness or swelling of ear flap or ear canal Behavioral change: apathy, depression or irritability Dark brown cerumen accumulation Loss of balance or auditory acuity accompanied by disorientation Presence of blood or debris resembling ground coffee

Dogs Health Cards N° 07. My Dog - Teeth Care

Your pets rely on your good care Progress in treatment has led to a marked decline in infectious diseases and other serious diseases affecting domestic animals. Oral diseases - especially parental illnesses and gum disease caused by the accumulation of plaque and tartar - have become the biggest health problem in cats and dogs. In the absence of proper dental care, it is estimated that by the age of 3 years, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats will show signs of oral disease. With your help, your pets can have healthy teeth and gums all their lives, and there are few things that can be done to achieve this: Healthy Eating Sweets to be eaten, such as "rawhide" bones (for dogs) Regular brushing of their teeth at home An annual dental check-up at the veterinary surgeon

Dogs Health Cards N° 08. My dog - how to administer it tablets and syrups?

Just like you, your dog will sometimes be sick and it is likely that you will need to administer medication prescribed by your veterinarian. The use of a good method will make life easier for everyone. You should always strictly follow the instructions your veterinarian has given you. You must administer the full amount of prescribed medication for the duration of the veterinarian. Tablets and capsules 1st step Place the tablet or capsule between your thumb and index finger in one hand. Grasp your dog's upper jaw with your thumb and forefinger on the other hand. step 2 Gently push your dog's upper lip over his teeth as you open his mouth. You are less likely to be bitten like this. step 3 Turn your wrist so as to spill your dog's head so that his eyes fix the ceiling Slowly lower the lower jaw of your dog with the middle finger. step 4 Place your middle finger on the small incisors of your dog and place the tablet or capsule as deeply as possible on his tongue. Immediately close your dog's mouth. While holding the mouth, let down the head to allow him to swallow more easily. step 5 Rub the throat of your dog or blow on his muzzle to make him swallow.

Dogs Health Cards N° 09. My Old Dog

Old age is not a disease Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, changing care and healthier eating, dogs live much longer and healthier than before. But, like humans, they feel the effects of time. Perhaps you have begun to notice that your dog once so full of life seems to work a little in slow motion. By being aware of the natural changes that are occurring in your aging dog and knowing how to help him live healthy, active, and avoid unnecessary discomforts, you can together enjoy fully his last years.

Dogs Health Cards N° 11. Intoxication by mistletoe and holly

Mistletoe and holly are two plants that are toxic when ingested by a pet. Young animals, especially gamblers, are tempted to chew any plant left within reach. INTOXICATION BY THE GUI The mistletoe balls contain a substance called viscotoxin which, several hours after its absorption by an animal, causes various types of disorders: - The irritation caused by the toxin on the digestive mucous membranes (mouth, stomach ...) goes Accompanied by a very large salivation and vomiting. Diarrhea may also be observed a few hours after ingesting the berries. - Viscotoxin also causes a decrease in blood pressure causing severe hypotension Finally, nervous disorders can be observed: dilation of the pupils, increased sensitivity of the animal (which reacts excessively to the smallest stimulus), or even abnormal gait (with incoordination in movements and disturbances of equilibrium)

Dogs Health Cards N° 12. Puppy Education

The ideal age for adopting a puppy is around 2 months. At this age, his mother has already inculcated certain bases of education. His adoption family will then have to continue this education so that a harmonious relationship is established between the dog and his new "pack". The knowledge of some data concerning the development of the puppy will make it possible to avoid certain errors, The origin of a misunderstanding between the puppy and its masters and to limit the risk of appearance of certain behavioral disorders in the animal. These elements are all the more important to know if you have adopted a very young puppy (mother deceased or who left her pups, puppy of a shelter ...) because her mother will not necessarily be able to deliver a basic education

Dogs Health Cards N° 13. The castration of the dog

The castration of the dog is an intervention of convenience practiced very frequently. This can be done for a variety of reasons: - for legal reasons (first category dog), - to eliminate certain behavioral problems (fugue, aggressiveness ...), - to prevent or treat certain diseases. The purpose of this article is to help you to know the true benefits of the castration of the dog and to understand why this operation is indispensable to treat certain pathologies.

Dogs Health Cards N° 18. The Rift of the Cranial Crusader Ligament

The rupture of the cruciate ligaments is a common condition in dogs. It mainly concerns the cranial cruciate ligament. The latter ensures good stability of the knee and its rupture, partial or total, will cause the appearance of a lameness of the limb concerned. A little anatomy ... As in man, the articulation of the knee of the dog comprises two crossed ligaments whose role is to ensure the stability of the joint. Each of the two ligaments has one attachment on the femur and another on the tibia.

Dogs Health Cards N°° 20. For a good cohabitation Man / Dog

The dog is a social animal that, in the wild state, lives in a hierarchized pack. In the age of puberty, he naturally wants to define his place in his adoption family, his new "pack". Within the group, the dominant dog has various prerogatives, that is, it can afford a large number of behaviors formally prohibited to the dominated. The man does not know well the functioning of the packs and the communication man / dog is therefore not easy. Many misunderstandings between the dog and its masters can result from a misinterpretation of the behavior of our pet and we can, by our own attitudes and reactions, falsely believe the dog that it can take the place of the pack leader In our family.

Dogs Health Cards N°22. Did you know that chocolate is toxic to your dog?

Chocolate, however good it may be, should not be offered to your pet. It contains, in fact, a substance called theobromine, which has a high toxicity which can even lead to the death of your animal. I. TOXIC DOSES Theobromine is present in varying quantities in the various kinds of chocolate: it is about three times more present in dark chocolate than in milk chocolate and is almost absent in white chocolate (dark chocolate contains about 6.5 mg of theobromine / G compared to 2.1 mg / g in milk chocolate) Toxic doses range between 100 and 300 mg of theobromine absorbed per kilogram (a dose of 150-300 grams of dark chocolate for a 10 kg dog), but they seem to vary greatly from one individual to another.

Dogs Health Cards N°23. The Rage in Morocco

Rabies in Morocco is a major enzootic zoonosis in the country with an annual average of 416 animal cases and 20 to 22 human cases. The reservoir and the main vector of this disease is the dog which is at the origin of the majority of the contaminations. Most Provinces of the Kingdom are infected with varying degrees depending on the density of the canine population and the prevailing sociocultural conditions. Despite the efforts made to combat this zoonosis, Morocco still has a high incidence of this disease in animals.

Dogs Health Cards N°27. Parvovirosis Canine

Parvovirus is one of the most serious diseases that can reach puppies such as old dogs. The pathogen causes mostly puppies and sometimes also in older dogs a gastroenteritis whose consequences can be fatal, as a result of State of shock that it can develop. The morbidity rate is 16-35% in unprotected dogs. It is probably the one that causes the most headaches to breeders regarding vaccination of puppies.

Dogs Health Cards N°28. Distemper

Carré is an infectious and contagious disease, spread all over the world. Very contagious, it is caused by a Paramixovirus transmitted in the air by the secretions of the infected dog. The infection first affects the upper respiratory tract, and the tonsils. From there the virus gains different organs through the blood circulation (viremia).

Dogs Health Cards N°29 - Crises D'épilepsie

Epileptic seizures in dogs are very impressive. The owner no longer knows what to do. The crisis lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. Often, it is preceded by a time during which the dog seems lost. The dog hides or wanders without a precise goal, then loses consciousness, falls to the ground and shows convulsions, signs of pedaling; Often it urinates and defecates. His jaw slams and the saliva flows. Gradually, the convulsions diminish in intensity and then disappear, and the dog resumes a normal state, almost as if nothing had happened. Sometimes he looks a little dazed.

Dogs Health Cards N°30. Prolapse of the Lacrymale Gland

What is the third eyelid? Unlike humans, most animals have a third eyelid (monkeys, snakes and most fish do not). The third eyelid or nictitating membrane is a structure located at the level of the internal angle of the eye which, It includes a T-shaped cartilage and a lacrimal gland, also called accessory or nictitating lacrimal gland. This gland is normally found at the base of the cartilage and can not be seen. The third eyelid serves to protect the eye and distribute the tears on its surface. The accessory lacrimal gland contributes significantly to the total production of tears.

Dogs Health Cards N°31. Natural remedies to fight your dog's stress

Stress is unfortunately not an evil reserved to humans alone. Our pets also suffer. And this anxiety can sometimes gnaw them to the point of making them sick.Chute hair, skin infections from scratching or excessive licking, behavioral problems: stress can have serious consequences on dogs as well as on cats. Fortunately there are treatments to help them, and for those who prefer soft methods, here are some natural treatment ideas for treating a stressed dog. However, it should be remembered that all these therapies do not replace visits to the veterinarian or behavioral therapy and that These remedies should not be prepared for luck.